Learn And Grow

(Know Thyself & Be a Star)

Learn And Grow

We feel great urgency in our personal development and growth. We want to become better human beings and want to change something in our life. Realizing that life is not satisfactory, that the necessary fulfillment and happiness lacks, that we are not at peace with life, is the first step to a new awareness.

We are responsible for our own luck It is our own choice to find happiness in life. We have the steering wheel in hand if our life ends boring or if we leave a legacy. We have control over our life. Having understood that we can influence our own happiness this workshop focuses on gaining clarity about us.

The first lesson for personal growth is … Know thyself and gain self-awareness: Awareness of Purpose, Values and beliefs, greatest strengths & weakness, Passion, Gratitude, Legacy, Fears Lessons etc. The participants will become aware of how willing are they to change and being patient with themselves along the way.

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